Standard moisture control methods can be a highly time-consuming tasks and require strong competences, for us to help the tobacco industry needs, TEWS has developed a moisture and density analyzer station for cigars.
Both parameters are obtained automatically and instantaneously and are displayed on the screen in the form of a graphic and a table.
High speed (up to 75% spare time)
Improved quality control
Easy to operate, no sample preparation. Product tested can be reused afterwards
Main Advantages
MOISTURE & DENSITYIndependent measurement of moisture and bulk density and particle size in one step. | |
HIGH ACCURACYPenetration of product core independent of color, surface, size, shape | |
EASY TO OPERATEFree of wear and tear, low maintenance. | |
HIGH SPEEDDirect measurement during product flow, also under high-speed conditions. |
How Can We Help You?

Selling measuring equipment for nearly 15 years now enables me to find the optimum solution for your specific needs.